Free Support

Free Support
The 2ask team is happy to answer any question you may have about the 2ask platform - either by phone or by e-mail at no cost to you.
Managed Survey
Managed Survey
As an additional service, 2ask can offer you a complete, managed realization of your survey project. Alternatively, you can choose from the steps described below, determine if they are right for you and your survey project, and order them separately as you see fit.
Creating Your Online Survey
Based on your chosen questions and answering options, 2ask creates for you a customized online survey, using your own media, including pictures, and externally streamed video files if desired. The 2ask team then uses its experience to take full advantage of the numerous configuration options of 2ask platform, and creates for you an ideal survey design. Special attention is paid to user-friendliness, as well as creating the best possible evaluation basis for your survey.
Of course, the adaptation of the survey layout to your corporate design can also be commissioned with 2ask.

Performing a Pre-test
A pre-test is always recommended if your questionnaire has not yet been tested in practice or if changes to the questionnaire have been made. A pre-test is a test run of a survey with limited participants, in which both the questionnaire itself, and the dispatch of the invitation e-mails are tested under real conditions. Afterwards, change requests can be performed for you by the 2ask team.
Conducting Your Survey
In this step, the 2ask team will start the your survey according to your specifications. This step includes importing your e-mail lists, entering your e-mail text, and sending the invitation and reminder e-mails to your survey participants. If desired, the participants can be addressed personally. With multi-lingual surveys, each participant will receive an e-mail in their own language.
Creating the Result Report
The 2ask result report includes a graphical and tabular analysis of all closed questions in your survey using automatically generated graphs and tables.
In the result report area, you can choose from numerous display and design options (e.g. display of percentages and / or absolute values, indication of various statistical parameters, various chart options, etc.).
You will receive your result report in Microsoft Excel and / or PDF file format, ready for printing. In the event that you need to analyse your survey results filtered by criteria collected within the questionnaire, the according focus reports can be generated as an additional service.
Special Analysis Reports

Special Analysis Reports
Do you require advanced statistical analysis or special types of charts? Do you have specific layout requirements that must be met? We are happy to support your individual requests in form of a special analysis report.
For this purpose, the content of the analysis as well as formal requirements must be discussed with a 2ask evaluation expert and compiled in an individual offer. If desired, 2ask can provide appropriate analysis templates.
Survey design
Survey design
You can also get support from our experts during the survey design phase. The survey is designed by method specialists from 2ask in three steps:
Step 1: Conceptual discussion
Before conception, the requirements of your survey have to be coordinated in a conceptual discussion. In a workshop, the objectives of the planned survey are set, the desired content and methodological procedure of the survey are determined, and the concrete schedule is drawn up.
Step 2: Creation of the survey
The survey is designed by the 2ask team based on the results of the previous concept discussion. The aim is to create a survey that is well accepted by the respondents, is generally understandable, and is oriented towards your goals and practical. Your wishes and suggestions are taken into account as well as methodological requirements (e.g. the repeatability of the survey at regular intervals for benchmarking).
Step 3: Presentation of the survey
In the last step, the draft survey is presented to you for review. The 2ask team then implements your change requests.

Survey check

Survey check
If you have already created your survey, we can offer you a survey validation check by our experts on request. The strengths and weaknesses of your survey are checked from a methodological, (test) statistical and (questionnaire) psychological point of view.
Practical suitability and practical relevance are just as important as the comprehensibility of the individual items (item = question or statement). It is checked whether the formulated items are suitable for generating the intended answers. With regard to the statistical evaluation, particular attention is paid to the response formats and the demographic items used. The present survey may be supplemented and / or modified after the examination.