Examples of surveys

Online employee survey

With 2ask you can easily create and conduct your online employee survey. It is very easy to set up your employee survey and adapt it to the corporate design of your company. This is the best way to create an online employee survey quickly and inexpensively. We would also be glad to help you with the design and content of your employee survey. The results are graphically displayed at 2ask and made available in Excel, CSV and SPSS format (statistics program).

Example of an Employee survey

Online customer survey

With 2ask you can easily create and conduct your online customer survey. It is very easy to set up your customer survey and adapt it to the corporate design of your company. This is the best way to create an online customer survey quickly and inexpensively. We would also be glad to help you with the design and content of your employee survey. The results are graphically displayed at 2ask and made available in Excel, CSV and SPSS format (statistics program).
NOTICE: This example survey has filter questions and skip-logic
Example of a customer survey

Quality management and quality assurance

At 2ask you will find professional examples and templates for online questionnaires and online surveys in the area of quality management and quality assurance. You may use the examples and templates free of charge and adjust them to your needs. You can create your own quality management survey quickly and inexpensively.
NOTICE: This example survey has filter questions and skip-logic
Example of a QM supplier survey

Surveys on your website

At 2ask you will find professional examples and templates for online surveys and online questionnaires to conduct surveys on your website. You can use the examples and templates free of charge and adjust them to your needs. This way you can set up your own homepage survey quickly and inexpensively.

Example of a website survey