Completed questionnaires
Topics on this page
- Completed questionnaires - Search
- Completed questionnaires - Filter
- Completed questionnaires - show columns
- Completed questionnaires - Delete results
Here you can display all questionnaires that have been completely run through and filled out by the respective participants.
The display is in the form of a table. Which columns #-2 and data are to be displayed in this table can be specified via the tools under #-1.
In addition, you have the possibility to view the selected questionnaire, force the repetition of the participation or delete the questionnaire via the buttons in the line "Display" #-3 and "Options" #-4.
Completed questionnaires - Search
Clicking the "Search" button #-1 will display a search form.
This search form gives you the option to search and display individual questionnaires for non-anonymous surveys, depending on certain contact information.
Completed questionnaires - Filter
Using the button "Filter" you can open the filter panel. Here you have then the possibility to create several filters for the table with the questionnaires.
Created filters can be edited and deleted afterwards if necessary.
Completed questionnaires - show columns
Using the "Show columns" button, you can define yourself which columns are displayed in the table #-1.
In addition to the meta data of the questionnaire (ID, Survey ID, Status, Type, Started, etc.), you can also display questions in the columns to see the corresponding answers at a glance.
Completed questionnaires - Delete results
Clicking on "Delete results" (#-1) opens a menu in which you have the following selection:
- Delete content of individual columns (#-2)
By deleting individual columns, it is possible, for example, to delete only columns with data that contain personal data. - Delete the entire results (#-3)
ATTENTION: This function deletes all results of the survey.
Deleted results are irrevocably lost.